Monday, May 18, 2009

Unwelcomed Change

Right now I'm laying in the bed thinking about how much has changed within the past year.
A year ago, I had just found out I was pregnant. My husband and I were moving into our new townhome apartment. I had just got a new job that paid well. Everything was looking really good.
But within a year my husband's company closed and he lost his job. I got laid off while on maternity leave. And instead of moving into a home of our own like we had planned to, we have to move to a relatives house because we can no longer afford rent. My husband has found work, but it's a lot less than what he was making.
And I know on the last post I was talking about my husband not doing anything for Mother's Day, but the truth is, we couldn't afford it anyway. I guess I really didn't realize how bad it was until I woke up this morning beside my child, in my relatives bed, surrounded by boxes with our stuff in it. Then I get a message from my husband saying we have overdrawn. I honestly don't know what were going to do for food this week. Luckily for my son, I breastfeed. But if I don't eat, how can I produce milk for him?
I have faith we will make it through this rough time. And I know once we do, it will only make our bond as a family stronger. But until then, I have to stay strong. Strong to support my husband when he has a bad day from doing tough work for poor pay. Strong to be there for my child who knows nothing of the world and our troubles, just that he's hungry and needs a diaper change. Strong to be able to smile at both of them, and hide my sadness inside.

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